
Susan Adda ArtWorks promeut la communication par le bais de l'art. Son objectif est de favoriser les rencontres entre professionnels de l’entreprise et du monde culturel pour la réalisation de projets culturels. Créant des liens entre le monde de l'entreprise et associatif, le public, la presse, les institutions, et le monde de l'art, Susan Adda ArtWorks propose l'art comme outil de communication.

En soutenant expositions ou autres événements culturels, les entreprises peuvent trouver un vecteur de communication important.

Susan Adda ArtWorks is an innovative art promotion agency that organizes and manages contemporary art exhibitions with an emphasis on public relations: Art as a tool for communication.

By creating communication links between companies, foundations, associations, NGO's, and the artwork itself, Susan Adda ArtWorks coordinates with all involved to provide an improved corporate image, while at the same time creating an opportunity for artists.  Customized cutorial services are provided for each project. The artwork is selected specifically  as a means to deliver the shared message and common interests of the companies and associations represented.

For the artists, a more democratic method to the art world is created as Susan Adda ArtWorks  provides artists with a new audience,  arranging and installing exciting exhibitions in  “alternative” venues such as hotels, restaurants, companies, cultural centers, and historical monuments. Bridging the gap between artists and new collectors, making art more accessible to the public at large, and opening the door, for the new collector, to the thrill of discovering new talent, and truly helping to influence an artist’s career.